How to improve your brand recognition?

March 21, 2021
Eddie T.

How to Improve Your Brand Recognition

There are sure ways you can improve brand recognition for your business. But before we get into that, it’s important to understand that there is no single silver bullet in building a strong brand identity. Consistency, effort, and time are all required to create a recognizable brand.

Here are some tips on how you can increase

Have a strong and consistent visual identity

Your visual identity is how your business is represented through design. It includes everything from your logo and color palette to your typography and imagery. A compelling visual identity will make your brand recognizable and memorable, helping you to stand out from the competition. It will also convey the values and personality of your business, making it more relatable to potential customers. Creating a consistent visual identity across your marketing materials is essential for maintaining a professional image and building trust with your audience.

Here are some methods for designing a strong and consistent visual identity for your brand:

  • Use the same logo everywhere.

Your logo should be used on all your marketing materials, from your website and business cards to your signage and packaging. Make sure it is produced in a high-quality format to remain sharp and legible when reproduced in different sizes.

  • Stick to a limited color palette.

Ideally, you should choose 2-3 complementary colors that are in keeping with the overall tone of your brand. Use these colors consistently across your marketing materials to create a cohesive look.

  • Use similar fonts throughout.

Choose 1-2 fonts that reflect your brand’s personality and use them consistently in your marketing materials. Avoid using more than two fonts, as this can make your visuals appear busy and confusing.

  • Incorporate positive imagery.

Using imagery that reflects your brand’s values and appeals to your target audience. Be sure that all the images you use are high-quality and professionally edited to maintain a consistent aesthetic.

Develop a recognizable tagline or slogan

Your tagline or slogan is a short and memorable phrase encapsulating your brand’s essence. A good tagline should be memorable, evocative, relevant to your target audience, and reflective of your brand’s values and personality. You should also be able to convey the essence of your brand in just a few words.

Not sure where to start? Here are a few tips:

  • Keep it simple: A good tagline should be easy to understand and remember. That means avoiding technical jargon or industry-specific terms that your target audience might not be familiar with.
  • Make it unique: There’s nothing worse than a generic, forgettable tagline. So try to develop something that sets your brand apart from the competition.
  • Appeal to emotion: A great tagline should evoke an emotional response in your target audience. After all, people are more likely to remember a tagline that resonates with them on an emotional level.
  • Keep it to the point: brevity is key in taglines. So resist the temptation to cram too much information into a few words. Focus on creating a memorable phrase that will stick in your target audience’s mind.

Use social media to connect with customers and followers.

Social media is a great way to improve your brand recognition strategies. It allows you to share your brand’s story, connect with people on a personal level, and expand your marketing reach.

Here are some best practices for using social media to improve your brand recognition:

  • Use high-quality images. It will help your customers identify your brand when they see it. Make sure the images you use to represent your brand well.
  • Use consistent colors and fonts. Again, this will help with brand recognition. Your customers should be able to identify your brand based on its colors and fonts quickly.
  • Use hashtags. Hashtags are a great medium to get your brand in front of potential customers who might not otherwise see it. Choose hashtags that are significant to your industry and target market.
  • Post regularly. The more you post, the more likely your customers will see and remember your brand. Try to post at least once daily, but more if you can.
  • Engage with your audience. Whenever someone comments on your posts, take the time to respond. It shows that you care about your customers and want to engage with them.

Make a good first impression.

Every time someone encounters your brand, they form an opinion about it. That’s why you must be keen on always putting your best foot forward. Remember, you only got a shot at making a first impression. So, make it count.

Here are three tips for making a positive lasting impression:

  • Be Professional

First impressions are often based on how professional you appear. Make sure your website, social media pages, and other branded materials are sleek and polished. Avoid using cheesy or unprofessional photography or graphics, as this will undermine your credibility in the eyes of your audience.

  • Be Friendly

First impressions are not just about how professional you look but also about how friendly and approachable you seem. Make sure your interactions with potential customers are warm and welcoming, and you’re quick to respond to every query or concern they may have.

  • Pay Attention to Details

The small details matter just as much as the big ones when making a good first impression. From the quality of your printed materials to how you answer the phone, pay attention to every detail of your interactions with potential customers.

Be active in your community and support local businesses.

Supporting local enterprises and participating in community events can improve brand recognition for your business and reach a wider audience.

Here’s a closer look at how being active in your community can help your business succeed.

  • Supporting Local Businesses

One of the best ways to improve brand recognition for your business is by supporting other local businesses. When you promote or shop at local businesses, you’re helping boost the local economy and showing potential customers that you’re invested in the community. You can gain trust and credibility with potential customers. And when they need the products or services you offer, they’re more likely to think of your business first.

  • Getting Involved in Community Events

Another great way to improve brand recognition for your business is by participating in community events. You can do this with the following suggestions:

  • Volunteering. Donating your time to a local charity or non-profit organization is a great way to give back to your community and improve your brand’s image.
  • Sponsoring a little league team. Sponsoring a youth sports team will not only get your brand name out there, but it will also endear you to potential customers with children on the team.
  • Participate in local marketing initiatives. Many communities have programs designed to help local businesses market themselves. Get involved in these initiatives to get your brand in front of as many people as possible.
  • Setting up a booth at a local festival. It is a great way to reach a large number of potential customers in a short amount of time in a fun and festive setting.

Stand out from the competition by being unique and innovative.

There are plenty of businesses out there vying for attention. So, how do you make sure your business stands out from the rest? The key is to be unique and innovative in everything you do.

Here are three tips for being unique and innovative:

  • Be Different. Don’t try to copy what other businesses are doing. Instead, focus on what makes your business different and use that to your advantage.
  • Think Outside the Box. Don’t be afraid to take risks and think outside the box. It is how you’ll develop unique ideas that will make your business stand out from the rest.
  • Be Creative. Get creative in your marketing initiatives, from your marketing campaigns to how you run your business. Be creative and original, and potential customers will take notice.

Connect with customers on a personal level

No matter what industry you’re in or what type of business you run, connecting with your customers personally is crucial for long-term success. Here are simple ways to improve brand recognition by building those important personal relationships with your customers.

  • Get to know your customers.

One of the best moves to connect with your customers on a personal level is to simply get to know them. If you own a brick-and-mortar wholesale store, take the time to learn the names and preferences of your prospective companies. If you run an online business, take the time to read their reviews and learn about their specific needs. The better you know your customers, the easier it will be to connect with them personally.

  • Communicate often.

Once you start getting to know your customers, make sure you communicate with them often. Whether you send out weekly newsletters, post updates on social media, or just drop them a quick note when they purchase, staying in touch will help keep you top-of-mind and foster those personal relationships.

  • Offer exclusive deals and perks.

Everyone loves feeling like they’re part of an exclusive club, so give your best customers something to look forward to by offering exclusive deals and perks. It could be anything from early access to new products to special discount codes—whatever you think would resonate most with your target audience. By making them feel special, you’ll encourage them to keep doing business with you for years to come.

  • Ask for feedback—and actually listen.

Finally, one of the best ways to solidify those personal relationships is by asking for feedback—and listening when you get it! Whether you send out surveys, hold focus groups, or just ask customers for their thoughts in person, gathering feedback is essential for understanding what your customers want and need from your business. Don’t be afraid to make changes based on what they say—after all, they support your business!

Deliver on your promises

No matter how great your marketing initiatives are or how strong your relationships with customers are, none of it will matter if you don’t deliver on your promises. If you say you will offer a certain product or service, make sure you follow through. If you say you’ll provide amazing customer service, make sure you live up to that standard. Your customers will take notice of your attention to detail and appreciate your commitment to quality, which will go a long way in building brand recognition.

By following these tips, you can start to increase brand recognition for your business and set yourself up for long-term success.


Branding is a good way to boost your business’s popularity and make it more profitable. Brand recognition means that the consumer will recognize you as an institution or brand in their area, encouraging them to stop by for some of “what we’ve got on offer at this store!”

A recognizable brand is easier to market and promote, increasing your company’s value. There are many ways to improve your brand recognition, but the most important thing is to be consistent in your branding efforts.